Student Ministry Pastor

Blogging for student ministry leaders and team members. This blog will be updated regularly, so check back often.

Interview with Kevin Hopper

I had the opportunity to ask Kevin Hopper, Student Leader Extraordinaire, a few questions on Student Ministry:

CP - Do you feel that it is important for the core students in a youth group to be involved in some type of leadership - where their suggestions are taken into consideration and they feel responsible for some aspects of teaching, planning, etc.?

KH - When you say “core students” I take it that they have not only made a commitment to God and acknowledged that they want to do something for Him, but they have also made a commitment to their Youth Pastor.

By commitment to the Youth Pastor, I mean they have applied themselves to working (whatever their hands find to do) with all aspects of youth ministry including community service, youth service, prayer meetings, car washes, outreach, taking care of church facilities and yard etc...

Remember, even Jesus told His disciples “follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. You first have to be a good follower (in word, in deeds, in attitudes and in dress) then you can be a good leader.

As a part of the training process to go on and be used of God, the student needs to get involved in youth leadership, to follow through with their commitment to God to be an instrument for His glory! The training should be complete, meaning, no one owns an area of ministry but all get a chance to lead a community service day or a prayer meeting.

The student needs to work with a pre-plan to be approved by the Youth Pastor or whoever is appointed. When everything is said and done, the student should be willing to sit down and go over the event and accept suggestions and constructive criticisms to improve for the next time.

This is where the student will get their hands-on training/experience to be used later when they are on their own and doing a work for God.

It is exciting when you, as the student, spend time in prayer and put together a service with God’s help and under the Youth Pastor’s guidance.

Then when things begin to happen through the Spirit as God begins to move and the youth respond to His Spirit, it is awesome!

CP - How do you, personally, help students feel empowered to do something for Christ?

KH - To some extent you help to empower youth even before thy become part of your “core group”, you try to empower all the students and the ones that accept the empowerment stand up and want to be counted for the Kingdom’s sake.

This is done by talking to them and finding out their weaknesses and fears, because this is what the devil tries to get them to dwell on. Relate to the student a Biblical story or a personal story that refutes their fear or weakness. Sometimes you can do it one-on-one or just include the story in a lesson.

The lesson is very effective to reach out to empower the student. You can tell two or three stories and each one will be for some one different and in the end you have impacted a large part of the audience.


Thanks to Kevin Hopper! This insight is very helpful to all who are working to better their Student Ministries.