Student Ministry Pastor

Blogging for student ministry leaders and team members. This blog will be updated regularly, so check back often.

Without Vision the People Perish

This PowerPoint was created for a Life Skills class I will be teaching this Sunday.

Sometimes we do not see things the way God sees them. This lesson was created to reiterate the importance of our VISION being in line with God's vision.

He REALLY DOES CARE about the way we SEE things.

An example: The blind man who wanted to be healed, came to Jesus. After Jesus prayed for him, he saw men as trees walking - that wasn't good enough for Jesus - He wanted the man to have CLEAR VISION. Without it, he could have perished.

"Perception is Reality" - what's yours?

Each slide is a .jpg file - you can click on each of the slides to make the image full screen. If you are interested in updating this PowerPoint to personalize it for your student ministry, just drop me a line by clicking here.

Additional information added AFTER teaching this class:

  1. God doesn't expect us to have PERFECT vision. Where there is NO VISION the people perish.
  2. The title of our lesson turned into, "JUST DO SOMETHING!"
  3. We discussed waiting on the perfect mate, landing the perfect job, etc. and how we should be walking by faith every day. We CANNOT sit around doing nothing while we WAIT for the PERFECT everything to come along. God honors our decisions when they are made after seeking Him.

Book Promotion

We noticed that one of the followers of this blog is a new Student Ministry Pastor - and we want to help him by recommending this book.

It CHANGED OUR LIVES as we sought to grow in Student Ministry.

It is by Doug Fields. It is called, "Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry".

What Not To Wear Powerpoint for Teen Class 2

This lesson teaches students to think about their reactions to others before stumbling down the slippery slope of offense.

Talking points from the lesson:

It is important to treat others the way you want to be treated.

If you are trying to influence others toward a lasting relationship with Christ, it is important that you DO NOT WEAR your FEELINGS ON YOUR SLEEVE. Who wants to be down in the dumps all the time? If THAT is what GOD does for you, who needs God?

Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. Give of yourself to get your focus off of you and onto others. This is the plan of God for our lives.

Brian "Head" Welch (Korn) Testimony