A World of Hurting People and A Word of Encouragement
This morning as I worked to prepare my lesson for Sunday's Youth Class, I could not get away from this thought: "A World of Hurting People and a Word of Encouragement."
I was once told that one of the gifts of the Spirit, specifically speaking of The Word of Wisdom, is just that, it's A WORD.
This was a revelation to me and it explained why sometimes when I prayed with others, I would have just ONE WORD that could not escape my thoughts while I prayed.
I've spoken just ONE WORD as I have connected with others in prayer, and I have watched OVER AND OVER AGAIN as the tears begin to flow and the encouragement or confirmation is being given to them through JUST ONE WORD.
My lesson for Sunday is based on this thought.
These images can be made full screen by clicking on them.
If you are interested in using these slides in your next youth presentation, let me know by emailing me at chrisponjican@hotmail.com
12:14 PM | Labels: comfort, forgiveness, hope, hurting people, jesus, peace, the answer, youth ministry | 1 Comments
We Interviewed James Turner of Hot Springs, AR
James - For me, Sr. High. I have always had an affinity to them, their issues and communication seems to be easier.
Christie - Do you feel that Jr. High and High School Classes in Student Ministry should be separate? Can you explain?
James - Absolutely!!! They are dealing with such difference issues that you cannot effectively meet both sets of needs in one setting. In a perfect world I would have multiple venues. A combined time for worship and teaching and then small groups separated by grade.
Christie - What is your favorite part of being involved (either now or in the past) in Student Ministry?
James - Seeing the lives changed. We had one young lady in Florida who was living a lesbian lifestyle, a hard-core gang member. She was in a Friday Late Night Worship Service and in the middle of it came to the altar, repented and denounced the lifestyle, the gang, everything she had been a part of. Now she is a Youth Pastor in Vero Beach, FL and rocking her world for Jesus!
Christie - What is the HARDEST thing you have ever had to do as a Student Ministry Pastor?
James - Deal with teenager’s ISSUES! Whether it is dealing with eating disorders, cutting, suicide, or depression. The hardest part of any ministry is seeing hurting people hurt. Sometimes it is overwhelming but we know the answer!
Christie - Do you feel like Student Ministry is difficult? (I know you will say HECK YES! to this... James, I personally feel like being a Student Pastor is THE HARDEST MINISTRY EVER!) My next question would be, why would you say that this ministry could be pretty difficult to take on?
James - You know, I am changing my thoughts the more I deal with adults. Compared to that, Student Ministry is not that bad… The most difficult thing in Student Ministry is the PARENTS! If we could just get the ministry and the parents on the same page it would be so much easier. Most parents want to be able to drop off their kids and we be the answer to everything. But the fact is I cannot be, and don’t want to be, their dad. That is not my job, my job is to mentor them and help them navigate their lives. They still need parents to be parents!
Christie - What could we do differently to make this ministry a more sustainable ministry for the students and for those who serve as Student Ministers?
James - HAVE FUN! Spend time with the staff, leadership/ministry training, retreats, etc… Invite the core student leaders, establish an intern program that includes them and prepares them for when they graduate to be involved in a ministry role.
Christie - What is the #1 resource that has changed your way of thinking for the better with regards to Student Ministry? (This would be a MUST READ for new Student Pastors everywhere...)
James - Purpose Driven Youth Ministry by Doug Fields as well as his prequel book, Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry.
Christie - What website would you recommend for Student Ministry Pastor Resources?
James - Youth Specialties, Group, North Point Community Church, Catalyst
Christie - You were my Youth Pastor many years ago (don't we feel old?!) , what led you to take that first step in Student Ministry right out of Bible College? What has kept you close to students over the years?
James - Our personalities played a huge role in it. I am really still a big kid in many ways. We enjoy being around teens, always have. We love being able to sow into the lives of the next generation.
Christie - Tell us about what you are up to these days so we can celebrate with you, the great things God is doing in your life. Also, this is a place for personal plugs - blog/website, etc.
James - We kicked off The Dream Factory Teen Center in Hot Springs, AR in December 2008. We have developed this as a “fishing pool” to be able to reach the unchurched kids that most churches are not reaching.
In our first three months we have averaged over 50 kids every Friday night and kicked off the program with a concert with 350 present. It is just a place to come every Friday night, 7-10PM, and play pool and basketball, air hockey, Nintendo WII, just a great place to hang out and stay out of trouble.
We have just developed a Small Group program, Driven, that is designed around helping get the teens into a place of maturity by adding accountability, belonging, and care in their lives.
You can check out our stuff at www.myspace.com/dreamfacto
Special Thanks to James for sharing his heart with us through this interview.
James was the first Student Ministry Pastor I had. He believed in me, and added me to the Student Ministry Team in North East, Maryland at seventeen years of age.
I love James and his wife Deidre so much and really miss the Friday nights at the Bates' place where the most delicious cheese and salsa dip flowed like honey - (this was Deidre's secret recipe). I remember Bro. Hopper getting pudding in his hearing aid when Richie Miller tried to feed him while he was blindfolded - CRAZY TIMES! Good Times.
Thanks James for being a good friend and a great leader in my life.
I love you guys.
10:58 PM | Labels: interviews | 15 Comments
A War You Can Win
This lesson helps students address the "wars" they face in their mind and gives them a reminder of the power they have through Jesus Christ to win.
It is so important that we confess our weaknesses to others who can help us through the daily battles we face in our mind.
We are not alone. We all have struggles. It's time to be real with ourselves, with God and with others who care.
If you are interested in receiving this Power Point for your student ministry, free of charge, send an email to Christie and she will forward it to you right away.
May the blessings of God be upon your student ministry.
11:44 PM | Labels: student ministry | 0 Comments
Expand your Social Network!
One of the greatest challenges and and opportunities today for Student Ministry Pastors and Youth Leaders is to connect to new, "un-touched" teens. Downtown "Main Street" is no longer where you can find them. Friday night football games are getting less crowded. Even shopping malls are empty in today's economic times. So where are they all? How do you connect to them?
The answer is the internet. Social networking has replaced almost all methods of communication and socializing in today's youth culture. Take a look at some of these statistics:
There over 150 million users on Facebook, Facebook is used in more than 35 different languages and 170 countries and territories, According to Nielsen, Twitter is the fastest growing community. From Feb '08 to Feb '09, it clocked in at a whopping 1,382% growth rate. In third place is Facebook, with 228% growth YOYSurprised? If you are not actively spending time building up your social network, the fact is you are loosing opportunities daily at connecting to the vast majority of people that YOU NEED to influence.
Start with the top 2 networks... Twitter is the fastest growing and the largest is Facebook. Get your profile updated with exciting pictures, videos and news from what is going on in your Student Ministry and then update EVERYDAY!
The next key is to build a strong and large network of followers. This starts with you connecting to key colleagues and associates and looking for opportunities. Remember, people = opportunities in our business!
So I'll start... connect to me on Twitter and Facebook and look at my network. Build off of it and start finding people closely associated with your area and demographic then build on that. Then comment on this blog post and post up links to your Twitter, Facebook or any other Social Networking profile and we all will connect to it. This is going to help us all build up our networks and will promise new opportunities in our ministries!

Dan Ponjican's Profile | Create Your Badge

10:18 AM | Labels: social networking, student ministry | 0 Comments
Without Vision the People Perish
This PowerPoint was created for a Life Skills class I will be teaching this Sunday.
Sometimes we do not see things the way God sees them. This lesson was created to reiterate the importance of our VISION being in line with God's vision.
He REALLY DOES CARE about the way we SEE things.
An example: The blind man who wanted to be healed, came to Jesus. After Jesus prayed for him, he saw men as trees walking - that wasn't good enough for Jesus - He wanted the man to have CLEAR VISION. Without it, he could have perished.
"Perception is Reality" - what's yours?
Each slide is a .jpg file - you can click on each of the slides to make the image full screen. If you are interested in updating this PowerPoint to personalize it for your student ministry, just drop me a line by clicking here.
Additional information added AFTER teaching this class:
- God doesn't expect us to have PERFECT vision. Where there is NO VISION the people perish.
- The title of our lesson turned into, "JUST DO SOMETHING!"
- We discussed waiting on the perfect mate, landing the perfect job, etc. and how we should be walking by faith every day. We CANNOT sit around doing nothing while we WAIT for the PERFECT everything to come along. God honors our decisions when they are made after seeking Him.
11:08 AM | Labels: dan ponjican, People Perish, student ministry, Student Ministry Blog, Student Ministry Pastor, Teen Powerpoint, Vision | 2 Comments
Book Promotion
We noticed that one of the followers of this blog is a new Student Ministry Pastor - and we want to help him by recommending this book.
It CHANGED OUR LIVES as we sought to grow in Student Ministry.
It is by Doug Fields. It is called, "Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry".
11:57 AM | Labels: Christie Ponjican, dan ponjican, Doug Fields, lessons, student ministry | 0 Comments
What Not To Wear Powerpoint for Teen Class 2
This lesson teaches students to think about their reactions to others before stumbling down the slippery slope of offense.
Talking points from the lesson:
It is important to treat others the way you want to be treated.
If you are trying to influence others toward a lasting relationship with Christ, it is important that you DO NOT WEAR your FEELINGS ON YOUR SLEEVE. Who wants to be down in the dumps all the time? If THAT is what GOD does for you, who needs God?
Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. Give of yourself to get your focus off of you and onto others. This is the plan of God for our lives.
11:41 AM | Labels: Christie Ponjican, dan ponjican, feelings, lesson, student ministry, What Not To Wear | 0 Comments